CDWP approves 4 development projects worth Rs. 36.21 Billion.

In a meeting chaired by Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Dr. Mohammad Jehanzeb Khan, the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) approved four development projects worth Rs. 36.219 billion. The projects cover various sectors such as physical planning and housing, transport and communication, and water resources.

The CDWP reviewed four projects with a total value of Rs. 36.219 billion and recommended three of them for further consideration by the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC), while approving one.

The CDWP prioritized post-flood reconstruction and rehabilitation initiatives, discussing four projects under the Post-Flood 2022 Reconstruction Program. These projects aim to enhance resilience and diversify livelihoods in Balochistan.

One of the projects, “Resilience Enhancement and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan (Road Infrastructure CW&PPHD),” valued at Rs. 13,809.544 million and funded by the World Bank, focuses on strengthening transportation infrastructure by building resilient roads and bridges, reducing travel time for residents.

Another project, “Livelihood Interventions for Integrated Flood Resilience and Adaptation Program (IFRAP),” worth Rs. 11,360 million, aims to uplift underdeveloped regions in Balochistan through agricultural and livestock interventions, enhancing resilience against climate change.

The project titled “Enhancement of Resilience and Diversification of Livelihoods in Balochistan (Irrigation Infrastructure),” with a total cost of Rs. 8250 million and financed through a World Bank Loan, focuses on rehabilitating flood-damaged infrastructure and establishing flood management structures in Balochistan. This project aims to improve agricultural productivity, reduce economic losses from floods, and boost livelihoods and economic growth.

Lastly, the CDWP approved the project “Resilience Enhancement and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan (Public Health Engineering/Water Supply Infrastructure Sector)” with a total cost of Rs. 2800 million. This project aims to rehabilitate and restore damaged water supply schemes in calamity-hit districts of Balochistan, ensuring improved water supply for residents.

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